The Jekyll-and-Hyde half hour

Spring semester is underway, our little is in full-time day care, somehow it is February, and  days and hours pass in blurs. Today I thought I would talk a bit about time: the half hour, to be precise.  Why a half hour?  It takes me approximately 30 minutes to be at day care, pick up …

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Dear Santa Fe, a holiday letter from another toddler

Everyone around me (ok, my Mom & Dad) are really into lists. Ok, mostly, my Mom is into lists. She has a list for everything. What food to buy. Activities. “Important” phone numbers. What food is for dinner. When I go to “daycare” (or better known as “toddler’s united in guilt-tripping parents for abandonment”). And …

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A Reflection on Thanksgiving Travel with Toddler

This Thanksgiving, my husband, 15 month old daughter and I flew across the country to celebrate Thanksgiving and Mundan with family in Connecticut.  Reflecting on this trip, I have much to giggle about, and thought I’d share. Packing My M.O.: Baby = priority numero uno. Organize, reorganize, and then double-check quantity of leggings, onesies, fuzzy …

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